Tag Archives: Public relations

Enter your book for awards


Image courtesy of smarnad / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Have you ever thought about increasing your visibility by entering literary contests? There are many contests writers can enter into in all kinds of different fields with very different reaches and audiences. Some contest are regional, others national or international. There are contests for short stories, poetry, fiction, non-fiction and pretty much any genre within those categories. Just do a Google search for what’s available and you will be quite amazed.

Being nominated or short listed for any award is a big deal and you can use that information in your PR and marketing activities. If you win the prize then even better. More publicity, and depending on the award, some of that will be even done for you. You might walk away with a book deal, a worth while promotion or a cash prize, or whatever the winner gets for that particular award. Book stores are more likely to carry your book if it has won an award and you will find your book generally a bit easier to sell.

I’m not saying it’ll solve all your problems and your book will fly off the shelves, but it will definitely do better than if you hadn’t bothered. And it’s exciting, of course. And who doesn’t want a bit of excitement in their life. 😉 So go on, what have you got to lose?



Filed under Awards